Saturday, December 29, 2007

First post!!!

So this is the first post in my blog. I made this blog for all of you out there who expressed interest in knowing how things are going for me in Turkey. As the description says, I plan to update this regularly with details about what's going on. I will also be adding the cool pictures that I take! This way, I can show them to all of you gradually, instead of in one big lump at the beginning of next semester.

So what's going on now? Well, I have to say, things could be better. Yesterday, I applied for my student visa, and it takes several weeks to get it. I plan to leave sometime around February 10th, so it's going to cut pretty close!!!

And speaking of departure-dates, I'm not completely sure when I'm leaving yet because I still don't have my housing worked out. I will be attending Bogazici University (pronounced boh-AH-zee-chee) and I was supposed to be staying in their "Superdorm." However, I got an email a couple of weeks ago saying that they didn't have room at the time, but that they "may/will have more rooms available as the first semester nears the end or even after the final exams." I'm not sure what this "may/will" really means (is this a Turkish phrase?), but I hope it doesn't mean I will be living in a cardboard box. I guess I might have to start looking for apartments within the next couple of weeks.

Other than that, things are going pretty well. I have a fairly good idea of what courses I want to take, and hopefully I will still be able to take care of some chemical engineering credits. But I'm looking forward to being in a new place for a whole semester!